Our reviews

(183 Reviews)
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Do you like Momo Sushi (1230 Robson St, Vancouver)? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

July 09, 2024
Very good!!

July 04, 2024
The avocado salad is not worth the price.

June 24, 2024
A dip in temperature made me want something warming. The Chicken yakiudo was excellent.

June 10, 2024
Fast service and very good food!

May 03, 2024
Quick friendly service and the food was good and fresh.

April 11, 2024
Fresh and delicious!!!

March 28, 2024
Fast, good food and lots of it. Chicken yaki udon and the chicken cream cheese roll were wonderful

November 22, 2023
we really love your sushi. i think it’s the best sushi i’ve ever tried 🫶🏻

November 19, 2023
Every time I’m in Vancouver I make sure to stop at momo’s for lunch or dinner. Their sushi is fresh and delicious

November 02, 2023